Our lives changed in 2020 and our homes have had to become an all accommodating environment; a place to relax, cook, sleep, work, hold online meetings, have time out, let fresh air in and be outside yet in but out!
We’ve certainly been busy making functional homes, adapting, reshaping and renovating. But, let’s not forget our sanity here, spending every waking second with partners and kids can test the best of us. Never have we needed ‘space’ more. Not only do our homes need to be functional but more importantly, they should be enriching, stimulating and in the same breath, restful and relaxing places to draw back.
The winter was long but the sun has arrived (in the British sense!) so let’s embrace the energy, welcome it into our homes and enhance our lives.
Energy is one of the key elements of Feng Shui, so here are just a few simple steps you can take to harmonise your home;
Let the light shine in. Ensure as much natural light and fresh air can enter your home as possible
Clean your windows and doors to maximise light and ensure they can open fully
Declutter. A cluttered home is a cluttered mind.
Bring the outside in. Add plants to all your rooms to improve the energy
Add colour.
In busy areas like kitchens and living rooms, a neutral background accented with bursts of earth tones like red and yellow are stimulating and inspirational.
In relaxing areas, like bedrooms and bathrooms, blue and green are a beautiful calming combination. These two colours are also conducive to work life as they stimulate the mind and are known to increase productivity, so great for the office.
Colour is one of the most powerful tools a designer has, you just need the confidence to use it. So bring in the colour, let the sun shine in and cast fabulous shadows on interesting shapes, allow the fresh air to flow and lift your spirits at home.